“I’m not scared of dying, I just don’t want to
If I stop lying, I’ll just disappoint you” Robbie Williams – Come undone
” ‘Cause I got so much life, Running through my veins, Going to waste” Robbie Williams – Feel
“Vise uitate demult, bucati de viata/ Acolo e sufletul meu, in rest ceata/ Cu tine stau uneori, vorbim in ceata/ De stele, ploaie si nori, vorbim de o alta lume/ Cu mine incerc sa vorbesc, numai am rabdare/ In tine incerc sa gasesc o alta cale/ Vina langa mine, nu mai vreau sa pleci acuma/Simt la fel ca tine sau mai bine pleaca de acuma/ de langa mine, nu mai vreau sa pleci acuma/ Simt la fel ca tine, nu mai e nevoie de iluzii si nori de fum, e noapte, e foarte tarziu, fac versuri triste…” Vita de vie – Ceata
“Fiecare are un vine, are un nume si-o poveste de scris, are o viata de indurat, o secunda si s-a terminat” Vita de vie – Pierdut
“You never lied to me not once
Its not your fault that I cant trust
Its in my past, its in my path and I can’t go there
Making a mess out of this game
To see it all go up in flames
So tired of being ruthless and wreckless
Time to be your 21
Time to dream that love will last
Time to drive my car too fast
Time to walk before I run
Time to be” Alexz Johnson – Time to be your 21
By the way chiar imi place Robbie Williams, Vita de vie si Alexz Johnson
Feel e printre melodiile mele preferate din toate timpurile, incluzand versurile binenteles.